Drupal 5.19

There's yet another security update to the Drupal software - Drupal 5.19 and Drupal 6.13.  Time to touch all those sites again! 

I have been working on converting sites over from D5 to D6 lately.  This will be a slow and steady process since most will require re-theming for Drupal 6.  It's going to be a long summer and probly long fall too.  All new development is in Drupal 6.

At this point, I need to develop with D6 and convert sites from D5.  Drupal 6 is finally in a production state, and it offers a lot of improvements of D5.  Views is the best example of how much better is runs. 

As I think about the list of sites to start converting, I realize I need a database to keep track of all these sites and their current state.  Yet another Drupal project to add to the list!