Submitted by wilbur on
One of the cool features of Drupal is the Auto-complete tools. Drupal shows a blank input field, but when you start typing, Drupal takes the input and starts showing matched values. This is a space saving control for selection items from large data sets.
You usually find the Autocomplete Widgets on built-in Drupal functions like User lookups, or node reference fields. Now there is a module for showing Autocomplete Widgets on Text and Number fields, called "Autocomplete Widgets for Text and Number Fields". Not the shortest or most creative module name, but it tells it like it is.
There are a couple options for the data sets. For numbers, it will generate a set of values based on the text field. If you specifiy the numbers between 1 and 100, that will be autopopulated in the Autocomplete values!
Another useful set is the available values, so as your data set grows, so do the available options.
Give it a try!