wilbur's blog

Drupal 6 Version 2.0 WYSIWYG and Images

This morning I worked on a pet project, the Team Road Kill website.  For many reasons, this is a Drupal 6 Install.  Even though we are still stuck with a heavy install of the Location module, we got a new facelift on the site, but updating the WYSIWYG process and updating how we manage inline images.  

What's OUT:

Getting Going with Drupal Zen Theme

Drupal Modules: 

This week I am working on learnig the new Drupal Zen theme version 5.4.  It's a big change because this theme uses SASS and Compass natively for the theming.  

First, we need to install SASS and Compass on Ubuntu, my local build environment:

Install Ruby and gems:


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